Check out the upcoming jazz festival events on April 29, 2013 arturo sandoval bob baldwin +4 danilo perez. detroit jazz festival eric darius hartford jazz festival 2013 jazz festival in detroit walter beasley arturo sandoval bob baldwin danilo perez. detroit jazz festival eric darius hartford jazz festival 2013 jazz festival in detroit walter beasley
Trio to record jazz interpretations from Michael Jackson's catalog on April 27, 2013 bwb jazz release +3 BWB plays Michael Jackson jazz for michael jackson Michael Jackson Human Nature. michael jackson tribute norman brown rick braun kirk whalum jazz tribute bwb jazz release BWB plays Michael Jackson jazz for michael jackson Michael Jackson Human Nature. michael jackson tribute norman brown rick braun kirk whalum jazz tribute
Jazz legends Bob James and David Sanborn plays music by Dave Brubeck on upcoming CD on April 27, 2013 bob james dave brubeck tribute +3 david sanborn david sanborn and bob james plays for dave brubeck new cd from bob james and david sanborn tribute to dave burbeck bob james dave brubeck tribute david sanborn david sanborn and bob james plays for dave brubeck new cd from bob james and david sanborn tribute to dave burbeck
Phil Perry returns to the jazz and soul fold with "Say Yes" on April 09, 2013 ashabrodie jazz phil perry +4 new cd from phil perry phil perry 2013 phil perry album cover phil perry jazz. phil perry new cd 2013 say yes phil perry ashabrodie jazz phil perry new cd from phil perry phil perry 2013 phil perry album cover phil perry jazz. phil perry new cd 2013 say yes phil perry
Marc Cary pays homage to Abbey Lincoln on "For the Love of Abbey" on April 05, 2013 Abbey Lincoln pianist asha brodie jazz +3 ashabrodiejazz Marc Cary new CD Marc Cary pianist Marc Cary tributes Abbey Lincoln new cd from Marc Cary. Abbey Lincoln pianist asha brodie jazz ashabrodiejazz Marc Cary new CD Marc Cary pianist Marc Cary tributes Abbey Lincoln new cd from Marc Cary.
Cecile McLorin Salvant to release debut CD on May 28 on April 04, 2013 ashabrodiejazz Cecile McLorin Salvant +2 ashabrodiejazz. Cecile McLorin Salvant Woman Child by Cecile McLorin Salvant WomanChild CD Cecile McLorin Salvant ashabrodiejazz Cecile McLorin Salvant ashabrodiejazz. Cecile McLorin Salvant Woman Child by Cecile McLorin Salvant WomanChild CD Cecile McLorin Salvant
Bassist Christian McBride and Inside Straight to release People Music on April 03, 2013 Ashabrodiejazz Christian McBride +2 Bassist Christian McBride christian mcbride Christian McBride and Inside Straight new cd from Christian McBride. Christian McBride new CD with Inside Straight. Ashabrodiejazz Christian McBride Bassist Christian McBride christian mcbride Christian McBride and Inside Straight new cd from Christian McBride. Christian McBride new CD with Inside Straight.
Living Colour drummer Will Calhoun joins jazz heavyweights to release Life in This World on April 01, 2013 Ashabrodiejazz Will Calhoun +5 drummer Will Calhoun jazz CDs Jazz new releases Loving Colour drummer Calhoun new jazz releases will Calhoun Will Calhoun Living Colour Ashabrodiejazz Will Calhoun drummer Will Calhoun jazz CDs Jazz new releases Loving Colour drummer Calhoun new jazz releases will Calhoun Will Calhoun Living Colour