Bend To The Light is the seventh CD from Lafayette Harris Jr, a collection of music that he hopes will leave people "feeling good and inspired". As a result of this, one would find a lot of positive aspects to the CD.
The CD's title according to Lafayette is one that he happened on by accident. "I was listening to the takes of the CD and I had thought that “Bend To The Light” would be a vocal performance with no lyrics. So after the initial session with the trio, I brought the singer Jazzmeia Horn into Bear Productions to overdub the vocal. We had done two takes in the Jersey session and I had picked the second one as that one sounded more complete to me. I was quite pleased with her session and was sure I had made up my mind and was done with Bend To The Light, the song."
He also said that his children were the inspiration behind the CD title as well. "At the same time it came to me that since the tune was about my children and I love them so much, heck... I should call the CD “Bend To The Light”! It was an emotional moment for me alone in my office. I could almost feel the tears coming!!"
Bend to the Light" is filled with straight-ahead melodies. Lafayette has two solid musicians to make up the trio on this recording. They include bassist Lonnie Plaxico who also appeared on his first CD called "Lafayette is Here" and Willie Jones III on drums.
The 12-track CD will be released on August 7, 2015.
Here's a list of places you can catch Lafayette's performance.
Wednesday, July 29 11:30pm-12:30am
with Will Terrill at Smoke
Sunday, August 23 4:30-6pm
St. Peter’s Church
with Ken Simon
Saturday, August 29 7pm
130 E 57th St. Lex.
NY NY 10022
with singer Anna Varga