India Arie releases Songversation

Reprinted from my article which first appeared in Smooth Jazz Magazine.

Ever since India Arie emerged on the scene, she has been known for keeping things quite consistent in her approach to music and style. With that said, it is safe to say that when you purchase an India Arie CD, you pretty much know what you are getting in terms of the music. There is no surprise for listeners of SongVersation as the natural diva offers up a CD that has varied styles to keep the momentum.

While many have heard and fallen in love with the tasteful "Cocoa Butter," there are other tracks that are on equal footing as the first release, if not better.
The thing about India is that she sings about genuine love and all that is associated with it and that feeling comes through with every listen. There are no whistles and bells to her and her music; she just oozes with sincerity and innocence that continues to be a "wow" factor.

Tracks like "Nothing that I Love More" and "Flowers" boast of sweet honesty coupled with simplicity; the kind that you will find in a young girl's diary about falling in love and what she expects from it.

"Just Do You," has an 80's feel to it that speaks of taking chances and simply doing you. This is the kind of song that you would want to have on repeat as a confidence booster.

"This Love" is a pop ballad with a slightly edgy chorus; "Brothers and Sisters" will make you snap your fingers and sway while you soak in the truth in the words.

Most will agree that India is at her peak when the arrangements call for basic instruments. Her acoustic talents soar on tracks like "Life I Know" and "Break the Shell".

Elsewhere on the CD is "This Love", which is a pop-inspired ballad with a slightly edgy chorus; India is then paired with Gramps Morgan for the reggae track "Thy Will Be Done."

There is a "we are the world" type moment on the CD in the form of "One" which talks about uniting as a people by love and not letting religion or race stand in our way.

This inspiring moment seeps into the track "I am Light," which talks about soul searching.
