Sammy Figueroa and His Latin Jazz Explosion to release "Urban Nature" on August 30 on July 21, 2011 ashabrodie ashabrodiejazz latin music release + sammy figueroa ashabrodie ashabrodiejazz latin music release sammy figueroa
Bassist Kyle Eastwood to release "Songs From The Chateau" on August 30 on July 20, 2011 ashabrodiejazz +2 clint eastwood's son Kyle kyle eastwood New CD from Kyle Eastwood new jazz release Songs From the Chateau ashabrodiejazz clint eastwood's son Kyle kyle eastwood New CD from Kyle Eastwood new jazz release Songs From the Chateau
Trindadian and US based Saxophonist Etienne Charles to release "Kaiso" on July 12 on July 08, 2011 ashabrodiejazz etienne charles +3 etienne charles etienne charles kaiso CD new Cd from etienne charles trini jazz sax player trinidad jazz musicians ashabrodiejazz etienne charles etienne charles etienne charles kaiso CD new Cd from etienne charles trini jazz sax player trinidad jazz musicians
Saxophonist Devin Phillips and his quartet to perform live at the PDX Jazz @ The Mission Theater on July 06, 2011 ashabrodiejazz devin phillips +3 devin phillips ashabrodiejazz devin phillips performs devin phillips quartet jazz concert ashabrodiejazz ashabrodiejazz devin phillips devin phillips ashabrodiejazz devin phillips performs devin phillips quartet jazz concert ashabrodiejazz
Terri Lyne Carrington to release "The Mosaic Project" on July 19 on July 05, 2011 all woman jazz CD ashabrodiejazz +3 ashabrodiejazz terri lyne carrington terri lyne carrington's new CD terri lynn carrington woman CD the mosaic project all woman jazz CD ashabrodiejazz ashabrodiejazz terri lyne carrington terri lyne carrington's new CD terri lynn carrington woman CD the mosaic project